Imminent Attack by Mary Glazier

Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 14:45:43 -0800
Dear friends,
Those of you who know me know that I am conservative with warnings and careful about what I release for prayer.  That being said, at my prayer meeting last Friday, two of  my very trusted intercessors both received warnings of an attack that would cause national mourning.  Neither shared it with me until this past hour.  In the meantime my daughter Kat and I both were hit with travail on Saturday afternoon (9/20/08). There was a tremendous weight on our hearts as we felt a death was going to happen.  We prayed that afternoon and evening.This past Friday through today, I have an ALARMING sense that we are about to experience a terrorist attack that will launch our nation into a season of deep mourning.   
Just a few minutes ago Eleanor Roehl, a powerful Eskimo intercessor and prophet, called me to say she senses an imminent attack against our nation.  Then Karen Fink came into my office to share the following revelation she had this past Friday with increasing weight on her heart ever since:
She received the scripture Gen. 50:3  ‘A period of NATIONAL MOURNING’.  She then saw Sarah Palin standing alone and she was mantled with the American flag.  The flag was upside down because things are inverted (upside down) right now.  I knew she was steppping into an office that she was mantled for.’
At this time I have a STRONG sense that we must pray for our President and Vice President and their families.  Also pray for the candidates running for election.  Something is imminent so we MUST pray to avert what is coming or to minimize it’s impact.
Let me know if you receive anything,
In Christ,

  1. #1 by Don on September 25, 2008 - 12:15 pm

    Powerful warning. There are others who are warning of some sort of “October Surprise” as well. I have also heard that there may be a powerful earthquake in the pacific northwest.

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